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Den Traum leben: Echte Geschichten von Auswanderern, die Venetien zu ihrer Heimat gemacht haben

Im Rahmen unserer Serie über Auswanderer, die Venetien zu ihrer Heimat gemacht haben, freuen wir uns, Ihnen heute ein authentisches Interview mit einem amerikanischen Auswanderer zu präsentieren, der das Leben in Kalifornien gegen die Schönheit Venetiens eingetauscht hat.

Living in Veneto is a match made in heaven for many who now call this region their home. From an outer perspective, it’s simple to see why: beautiful, refreshing nature, a warm culture shaped by welcoming locals and expats, interesting history, and, of course, some of the most exceptional cuisine in the world.

Aber wie ist es wirklich, sich hier als Expat niederzulassen?

As part of our series on expats who made Veneto their home, today, we’re excited to bring you an authentic interview with Veena, an American expat who traded life in California for the beauty of Veneto.

1.  How long have you been living in Veneto, and how has your perspective on the region changed over time?    

I’ve been here for 9 months, arriving in winter.  It’s been lovely the entire time; but watching nature come to life in Spring was incredible. I haven’t lost interest at all yet.  I still love it the same.

2. What initially drew you to the region, and how close have your experiences been  to your original expectations? 

I moved to  Italy to remember my Italian heritage and request recognition of my citizenship,  jure sanguinis, and that experience went very smoothly.  The clerk at my comune was helpful,  knowledgeable, and efficient. I expected the culture to be soft and friendly, and it has been. I chose Veneto because I had a friend in this region.   

3. What has been the biggest cultural difference you’ve encountered since moving, and how have you adapted?  

One thing that stands out for me is the everyday kindness of people toward each other.  No one seems too busy to stop and be friendly or help when needed. Italians  are  generous with their time. If you get stranded on the road or need help with something,  you aren’t alone for very long and it’s never just one person who stops to help.  Everyone stops.  And, no one leaves until you are okay. People gather to be helpful, which is very nice.    

4. How important is it to speak Italian in Veneto, and how has the language barrier (if any) affected your daily life and interactions? 

I would say that in the rural areas, it’s quite important.  You can survive, certainly, without it, and people are quite tolerant and helpful, especially if they see that you are trying.  But, it’s not easy not to speak the language.  Many people know a little English, such as, hello, goodbye, have a nice day, those types of things.   

But learning the language is high on my list of priorities. I wouldn’t want to stay here, or in any country, really, long term without being able to socialize with the locals and speak the language of the people. I’d miss out on too much.

5. How easy or difficult was it to integrate into the local community? Did the language barrier affect your ability to connect with locals, and how have you managed communication? 

People are kind, no matter what, here. But you miss out on really knowing folks very well so your connections are limited.  

My citizenship application went smoothly, but I had a friend who walked me through that.  Relationships seem key here.  I haven’t filed taxes yet, but I did make one trip to the post office and it was smooth as silk. There are not the lines and the wait-times I was warned about. Deadlines seem to be more like a suggestion here – and it’s not unusual for things not to stay on schedule, so I wouldn’t try to be in a rush or you’ll lose the joy of this culture.   

7. How accessible is healthcare for expats, and what has been your experience with it so far?

I saw a specialist and it was very affordable – lab tests were equally affordable. I’ve been to the vet 3 times and my most expensive visit was only 100 euro for something that would have cost around 600 or 700 in California.

8. How would you describe the cost of living in Veneto compared to where you previously lived? Are there any specific areas that offer better value for money? 

Coming from Marin County California, I think every area here offers a more affordable cost of living.  Groceries, medical care, veterinarians, housing,  pharmacies. Renting a nice car is a little expensive, though. 

9. What are some small, everyday challenges that you didn’t expect when you first moved?  

Being unable to read and navigate simple instructions, like on the gas pump or an ATM machine, or washing machine,  dishwasher, the oven and stove top. Also, road signs.    

10. Can you share some of your favourite places or hidden gems in Veneto that tourists might overlook?

Sorry, I haven’t gone exploring enough yet to say.

11. What’s the biggest piece of advice you’d give to someone considering a move to Veneto?  

Do It!!  

12. How has living in Veneto impacted your overall lifestyle, both professionally and personally?   

Professionally, I work remotely, so the lower cost of living makes life easier and less stressful. The time zone took some adjusting since I work on the Pacific coast. Personally, it’s already better and gets better everyday. Much much less stressful, less worry.  Easier and safer.  

Abschließende Überlegungen

If you’re thinking about making a move to Veneto, take this as your sign. The beauty of the region, coupled with its welcoming culture and affordable lifestyle, makes it a place where dreams truly feel within reach.

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