Living in Veneto is a match made in heaven for many who now call this region their home. From an outer perspective, it’s simple to see why: Beautiful, refreshing nature, a warm culture shaped by welcoming locals and expats, interesting history, and, of course, some of the most exceptional cuisine in the world.
But what’s it really like to settle down here as an expat?
As part of our series on expats who made Veneto their home, today, we’re excited to bring you an authentic interview with an American expat who traded life in California for the beauty of Veneto.
A Warm Welcome to Veneto
Our interviewee has been living in Veneto for nine months after arriving in the region during winter. “It’s been lovely the entire time,” they shared. Watching the seasons change, especially seeing spring bring the landscape to life, left them in awe. “I haven’t lost interest at all yet. I still love it the same.”
What Brought Them to Veneto?
Here’s the million-dollar question: Why Veneto?
Well, it was both because of personal history and practical goals. “I moved to Italy to remember my Italian heritage and apply for citizenship, jure sanguinis,” they explained. The process, which was initially expected to be stressful, went surprisingly smoothly. “The clerk at my comune was helpful, knowledgeable, and efficient.”
Choosing Veneto was a no-brainer, thanks to having a friend in the region. And while their expectations of a soft, friendly culture were met, it was the everyday kindness of the people that stood out most.
Kindness at Every Turn
“One thing that stands out for me is how generous people are with their time,” they said. “If you get stranded or need help, you aren’t alone for very long. And it’s not just one person who helps – everyone stops until you’re okay.”
This communal spirit has been a defining part of their experience, and it has highlighted the deep cultural differences between Veneto and their home in California.
The Language Challenge
While the people in Veneto are incredibly tolerant of non-Italian speakers, the importance of learning the language is clear. “In rural areas, it’s quite important. You can survive without it, but it’s not easy.”
For them, learning Italian is a top priority. “I wouldn’t want to stay here long-term without being able to socialize with locals. I’d miss out on too much.”
How’s Life in Veneto
When it comes to bureaucracy, the expat noted that relationships can make all the difference. “My citizenship application went smoothly because I had a friend guiding me,” they said. As for everyday tasks like visiting the post office, they were pleasantly surprised by how simple it was.
However, they cautioned that time in Italy runs on a different rhythm. “Deadlines feel more like suggestions, so don’t be in a rush. You’ll lose the joy of this culture if you do.”
Healthcare, too, has been a positive experience. “I saw a specialist, and it was very affordable. Lab tests were the same,” they said. Even veterinary visits, which can be expensive in other countries, were surprisingly reasonable.
Everyday Adjustments
Not everything has been smooth sailing. “Simple instructions like those on a gas pump or an ATM can be tricky when you can’t read them,” they said. Household appliances like washing machines and ovens also took some getting used to.
Also Read: Top Online Forums, Resources, and Networks for Expats in Veneto
Cost of Living
Coming from Marin County, California, they described the cost of living in Veneto as “a breath of fresh air.” Groceries, medical care, and housing are all far more affordable, though they did find renting a car to be on the pricier side.
Advice for Future Expats
When asked what they’d tell someone considering a move to Veneto, their answer was straightforward: “Do it!”
Final Thoughts
Living in Veneto has already transformed a lot of expats’ lifestyles, including our interviewees. “Life here is much less stressful, easier, and safer,” they reflected. “It’s better every day.”
So, if you’re thinking about making a move to Veneto, take this as your sign. The beauty of the region, coupled with its welcoming culture and affordable lifestyle, makes it a place where dreams truly feel within reach.
And if you need help with the relocation process, don’t hesitate to reach out, we’re here to make your journey smoother!
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