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// Get the current URL path and query parameters // Extract the last part of the URL (in this case 'treviso') // Check if '?_categories=' is already in the URL // Build the new URL with the query parameter // Update the URL without reloading the page
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Beware of Property Auction Scams Targeting Expats
Italian property auction scams
Running a B&B or Holiday Let in Veneto
B&B or Holiday Let in Veneto
Changes to the “Flat Tax” Scheme for Holiday Lets Tax in Italy: What You Should Know
“Do I Need An Italian Bank Account To Buy a Property in Italy?” – IBAN Discrimination Explained
Tax On Buying, Building, Selling, Living: The Ultimate Guide On 6 Property Taxes in Italy
Understanding The Italian Property Tax “Contributo di Costruzione”
Yet Another Italian Property Tax? Understanding Urbanisation Fees or “Oneri di Urbanizzazione”
IVIE: The Italian Foreign Property Tax You Needn’t Fear
Demystifying IMU: Italy’s Annual Property Tax Explained