// Get the current URL path and query parameters
// Extract the last part of the URL (in this case 'treviso')
// Check if '?_categories=' is already in the URL
// Build the new URL with the query parameter
// Update the URL without reloading the page
The Heart Of Veneto: Alessandro Bressanello Talks Tradition And Change
By Sara Alimehmeti
The Heart Of Veneto: Alessandro Bressanello Talks Tradition And Change
Explore Veneto with actor Alessandro Bressanello as he shares his perspective on its culture, landscapes, and lifestyle.
Living the Dream: Real Stories from Expats Who Made Veneto Their Home
By Sara Alimehmeti
Living the Dream: Real Stories from Expats Who Made Veneto Their Home
As part of our series on expats who made Veneto their home, today, we’re excited to bring you an authentic interview with an American expat who traded life in California for the beauty of Veneto.