Reel befolkning (5 km)
Vurdering af luftkvalitet
Tilgængelighed af boliger
Gennemsnitlig downloadhastighed (Mbps) / Gennemsnitlig uploadhastighed (Mbps)
Beskrivelse af klimaet
UNESCO World Heritage site with Renaissance architecture, vibrant university life, and agricultural economy.
Score for livskvalitet
Kvalitet af infrastruktur
Kvalitet i økonomien
Nestled in the Marche region, Urbino is a UNESCO World Heritage site renowned for its Renaissance architecture, notably the stunning Palazzo Ducale and the Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, which showcases important works of the period. With a small population, much of the town’s life centers around the University of Urbino, creating a vibrant atmosphere rich in youthful energy and cultural activities. Expats will appreciate the serene environment, less crowded than other Italian hill towns, and enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding hills.
However, Urbino’s hilly landscape can pose transportation challenges, and the town experiences occasional seismic activity typical of the region. The local economy benefits from agriculture and light manufacturing, with a variety of festivals enriching the cultural experience. While healthcare quality is commendable, the nearest airport is about an hour away, and beaches are not immediately accessible, which may require some adjustment for newcomers.
– High-quality healthcare system ensures access to essential services.
– Excellent air quality promotes overall health and well-being.
– Low unemployment rate indicates a stable job market.
– Rich cultural and historical heritage enhances lifestyle and leisure.
– Active tourism boosts local economy and community vibrancy.
– Moderate climate allows for pleasant outdoor activities year-round.
– Opportunities for integration into the friendly, welcoming local community.
- Gode internetforbindelser understøtter fjernarbejde og kommunikation.
– Accessible transportation options facilitate travel within and beyond town.
– Quality educational facilities available for lifelong learning and growth.
– Limited nightlife options may leave you craving vibrant entertainment.
– Small-town charm can feel isolating for some newcomers.
– Public transportation may not always be reliable or frequent.
– Shopping choices are limited compared to larger cities.
– Language barrier can complicate daily interactions and services.
– Housing options may be less modern or spacious.
– Seasonal tourism can lead to overcrowding in peak months.
– Local bureaucracy may test your patience and resolve.
– Cultural events may not cater to all interests or tastes.
– Weather can be unpredictable; don’t forget your umbrella!
Urbino Demographics
Reel befolkning (5 km-bånd)
Fødsler pr. 100 dødsfald
Befolkning Datakilde
Anslået arbejdsløshedsprocent
Tourism Hotspot (5.5 tourists per resident)
Indkomst pr. indbygger (2023)
Indkomstrang i Italien (2023)
1497 out of 7901
Infrastruktur og tilslutningsmuligheder
Nærmeste lufthavn
Federico Fellini (Rimini)
Score for tilslutningsmuligheder
Federico Fellini Airport, også kendt som Rimini and San Marino International Airport, ligger i Miramare, ca. 8 km fra det centrale Rimini i Italien. Den tilbyder primært sæsonbestemte flyvninger med forbindelser til flere europæiske destinationer, herunder London, Budapest og Prag. Lufthavnen er tilgængelig året rundt, selvom ruteflyvninger er koncentreret mellem marts og oktober, hvilket gør den velegnet til både indenlandske og internationale rejsende, der søger budgetvenlige muligheder. De vigtigste ruter udbydes af flyselskaber som Ryanair, EasyJet og British Airways, som har sørget for et stigende antal passagerer i de senere år.
2. nærmeste lufthavn
Raffaello Sanzio (Ancona)
Score for tilslutningsmuligheder
Raffaello Sanzio Airport, også kendt som Ancona International Airport, ligger 12 km vest for Ancona i Falconara Marittima, Italien. Den har over 460.000 passagerer om året, og ruterne går primært på tværs af Europa. De største destinationer er München, London, Paris og Barcelona, og lufthavnen har flyselskaber som Ryanair, Lufthansa og Volotea, der tilbyder både sæsonbestemte og helårlige flyvninger. Lufthavnen fungerer som gateway til Marche-regionen med en blanding af forretnings- og fritidsrejser og internationale forbindelser via hub-lufthavne som München.
3. nærmeste lufthavn
Perugia-San Francesco d'Assisi (Perugia)
Score for tilslutningsmuligheder
Perugia San Francesco d'Assisi - Umbria International Airport ligger i Umbrien-regionen i det centrale Italien og betjener byen Perugia. Den tilbyder primært sæsonbestemte flyvninger gennem flyselskaber som British Airways og Ryanair, der forbinder passagerer med vigtige europæiske byer som London, Barcelona og Rom samt indenlandske destinationer som Cagliari og Palermo. Lufthavnen er ikke et stort trafikknudepunkt og er kendetegnet ved et beskedent antal passagerer, men den har oplevet en betydelig vækst på det seneste, hvilket gør den til en tilgængelig indgang til Umbrien via vej, jernbane og regionale busforbindelser.
Nærmeste jernbane
Stazione di Fano
Score for tilslutningsmuligheder
Train service at Stazione di Fano includes the following key points:
– **Rail Lines**: The station is served by the Adriatic Line, which connects various towns along the Adriatic coast.
– **Key Destinations**: Direct trains from Fano connect to major destinations such as Rimini, Pesaro, and Ancona, as well as further to larger cities like Bologna and Rome with connections.
– **Train Operators**: The primary train operator at Stazione di Fano is Trenitalia.
– **Frequency of Departures**: Trains typically operate on an hourly basis during peak times, with a few services per day during off-peak hours.
– **Train Types**: The station mainly serves regional trains, with limited direct connections to high-speed services available at larger stations nearby.
2. nærmeste skinne
Stazione di Pesaro
Score for tilslutningsmuligheder
Train service at Stazione di Pesaro includes multiple rail lines operated primarily by Trenitalia, connecting the station with key destinations such as Rimini, Ancona, and Bologna. Direct trains also reach larger cities including Milan and Rome. Departures from Pesaro are reasonably frequent, with services typically every 30 to 60 minutes during peak times. Additionally, the station accommodates both regional trains and occasional high-speed services, thus offering a mix of fast and local connectivity for passengers.
3. nærmeste skinne
Stazione di Cattolica-San Giovanni-Gabicce
Score for tilslutningsmuligheder
Train service at Stazione di Cattolica-San Giovanni-Gabicce includes multiple rail lines that connect to various destinations. Key lines stopping here provide access primarily to:
– **Rail Lines**: The station is served by regional and intercity trains, particularly those connecting the Adriatic coast.
- Vigtige rejsemål**:
– **Pesaro**: Approximately 9 minutes travel time with 18 trains per day.
– **Bologna**: About 1 hour and 30 minutes, with 13 trains daily.
– **Rimini**: Roughly 12 minutes, serviced by 12 trains a day.
– **Rome**: A longer journey of 3 hours and 50 minutes with 28 trains each day.
– **Train Operators**: Services are primarily operated by Trenitalia.
– **Frequency of Departures**: Departure frequencies vary but include:
– 18 trains to Pesaro daily.
– 13 trains to Bologna daily.
– 12 trains to Rimini.
– Up to 28 trains leading towards Rome,
– A few daily connections to less frequently visited locations like Ravenna.
– **Type of Services**: Stazione di Cattolica-San Giovanni-Gabicce offers a mix of regional and intercity services, with no high-speed trains reported.
Infrastruktur og faciliteter
Inden for 10 km
Historiske steder
Baia Metauro - Via Delle Brecce
Vurdering af vandkvalitet
1 - Fremragende
Mountain Resort
37 minutter
Score for sundhedspleje
Nærmeste hospitalsnavn
S. Maria della Misericordia-P.
Køretid til nærmeste hospital
2 minutter
Hospitaler og klinikker inden for 10 km
Lokal offentlig sundhedsudbyder
Beskrivelse af sundhedsplejens kvalitet
I dette område af Marche har sundhedssystemet en blandet profil. Det klarer sig fremragende inden for specifikke behandlinger, med særlig høj effektivitet i håndteringen af brystkræftoperationer og hurtig behandling af knoglebrud. Kvaliteten af den lokale hospitalspleje ser dog ud til at være mere begrænset sammenlignet med nationale standarder. Systemet klarer sig godt, når det gælder genindlæggelser af patienter efter hjerteanfald, men der er plads til forbedringer inden for hjertesvigt og akutte hjerteanfald. Generelt har sundhedsvæsenet her en standard, der ligger over gennemsnittet, selvom kommende beboere måske vil overveje de varierende effektivitetsniveauer på tværs af specifikke sundhedsydelser.
Seismisk zone (risiko for jordskælv)
Moderat risiko for jordskælv
Antal trafikulykker pr. 10.000 indbyggere
Procentdel af befolkningen i risiko for jordskred
Procentdel af befolkningen i risiko for oversvømmelse
Prisindeks for bilforsikring
Bolig- og ejendomsmarked
Tilgængelighed af boliger
Ejendomspriser pr. m²
Første kvartil
Tredje kvartil
Forbindelse og digital adgang
Beskrivelse af walkability
Meget gangbar
Gennemsnitlig downloadhastighed (Mbps)
Hurtig downloadhastighed (Mbps)
Langsom downloadhastighed (Mbps)
Gennemsnitlig skolerangering (alle kriterier)
Top 30%
Gennemsnitlig skolerangering (standardiserede tests)
Top 50%
Antallet af skoler
By/bydel | Grundskoler | Børnehaver | Grundskoler | Mellemhøje skoler | Videnskabelige højskoler | Tekniske handelsskoler | Klassiske højskoler | Industrielle tekniske skoler | Højere uddannelsesinstitutioner |
Urbino | 6 | 7 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Klima og vejr
Under gennemsnittet (31.-40. percentil)
Gennemsnit (41.-50. percentil)
Høj (71.-80. percentil)
Min. årlig temperatur (°C)
Maks. årlig temperatur (°C)
Beskrivelse af klimaet
Urbino, Italy presents a moderate climate characterized by distinct seasons ideal for those seeking a varied yet pleasant weather experience. Winters entertain a light dusting of snow, adding a brief touch of winter wonderland magic. Summers in Urbino are warm but seldom reach oppressive heat levels, making it a comfortable setting for leisurely outdoor explorations. Precipitation is well-distributed throughout the year, ensuring lush landscapes without the inconvenience of excessive rainfall. The town enjoys an ample amount of sunshine, energizing residents and visitors with plenty of bright days to admire its historical beauty and natural surroundings.
Årligt temperaturdiagram (min)
Klimadata leveret af Open Meteo, baseret på gennemsnit for 2010-2022.
By | Min Temp Jan | Min Temp Feb | Min Temp Mar | Min Temp Apr | Min. temperatur maj | Min Temp Jun | Min Temp Jul | Min Temp Aug | Min Temp Sep | Min. temp. okt. | Min Temp Nov | Min Temp Dec |
Urbino | 0,90 | 1,20 | 3,70 | 7,20 | 10,40 | 15,20 | 18,00 | 17,80 | 14,10 | 10,40 | 6,40 | 1,70 |
Årligt temperaturdiagram (maks.)
Klimadata leveret af Open Meteo, baseret på gennemsnit for 2010-2022.
By | Max Temp Jan | Max Temp Feb | Max Temp Mar | Max Temp Apr | Maks. temperatur maj | Max Temp Jun | Max Temp Jul | Max Temp Aug | Max Temp Sep | Maks. temperatur okt. | Max Temp Nov | Max Temp Dec |
Urbino | 7,6 | 8,30 | 12,30 | 16,30 | 19,30 | 25,10 | 28,30 | 28,00 | 22,80 | 18,10 | 13,00 | 9,00 |
Solrige dage efter måned
Klimadata leveret af Open Meteo, baseret på gennemsnit for 2010-2022.
By | Solrige dage % Jan | Solrige dage % Feb | Solrige dage % Mar | Solrige dage % Apr | Solrige dage % maj | Solrige dage % Jun | Solrige dage % Jul | Solrige dage % Aug | Solrige dage % Sep | Solrige dage % okt | Solrige dage % Nov | Solrige dage % Dec |
Urbino | 41 | 35 | 52 | 53 | 57 | 69 | 73 | 73 | 54 | 36 | 31 | 49 |
Miljø- og luftkvalitet
Vurdering af luftkvalitet
Beskrivelse af luftkvalitet
Urbino’s air quality paints a generally serene picture for those concerned about environmental purity. The small concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 particulates maintain levels designated as good, ensuring clearer skies and cleaner breaths for residents and visitors alike. Nitrogen and sulphur dioxide, often indicators of industrial pollution, are notably low here, falling into the good category and suggesting little impact from heavy manufacturing or high traffic densities. Ozone levels hover at a fair rating, the only slight deviation in an otherwise commendable environmental report card. For retirees and expats seeking a haven with commendable air standards, Urbino stands out as a charming choice.
Urbino’s air quality paints a generally serene picture for those concerned about environmental purity. The small concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 particulates maintain levels designated as good, ensuring clearer skies and cleaner breaths for residents and visitors alike. Nitrogen and sulphur dioxide, often indicators of industrial pollution, are notably low here, falling into the good category and suggesting little impact from heavy manufacturing or high traffic densities. Ozone levels hover at a fair rating, the only slight deviation in an otherwise commendable environmental report card. For retirees and expats seeking a haven with commendable air standards, Urbino stands out as a charming choice.
Beskrivelser af byer
At komme dertil
Urbino is accessible via the nearby A14 motorway, facilitating travel to major cities including Bologna and Ancona. The closest airports are Federico Fellini in Rimini and Raffaello Sanzio in Ancona, both approximately 50 minutes away. Local train stations offer moderate connectivity options.
At komme rundt
Det lokale køkken
Urbino’s culinary scene is characterized by its rich traditional cuisine, reflective of the Marche region’s agricultural bounty and coastal heritage. Notable local dishes include **Vincisgrassi**, a regional variant of lasagna featuring layers of pasta and rich meat sauce; **Crescia**, a traditional flatbread that pairs well with cured meats; and **Maccheroncini di Campofilone**, a delicate pasta often served with tomato or meat sauces. The town also takes pride in **Brodetto**, a fish stew made with fresh Adriatic seafood, and **Coniglio in Porchetta**, rabbit seasoned with herbs and slow-cooked to perfection. Urbino offers a diverse dining landscape, including numerous trattorias and osterias that serve local specialties alongside wines from the region, such as Verdicchio and Rosso Conero. International cuisine is represented to a lesser degree, with some establishments offering Mediterranean dishes influenced by local ingredients. The Michelin Guide recognizes the quality of Urbino’s dining establishments, notably highlighting **Portanova**, which has received a Michelin star, underscoring the town’s commitment to excellence in culinary arts.
Oversigt over indkøb
The city offers a mix of shopping experiences including supermarkets, boutiques, and dedicated shopping centres. Supermarkets provide essential groceries, while local boutiques feature artisanal and specialty goods. Notably, a prominent shopping centre serves various retail needs under one roof. Additionally, the presence of specialty shops enhances diverse consumer options, catering to both everyday needs and unique finds.
Grønne områder og parker
Urbino offers various outdoor and green spaces for nature enthusiasts. Parco della Resistenza provides panoramic views of the city’s skyline and a historic fort. Monte Catria offers hiking opportunities with scenic natural views. Montefeltro Vedute Rinascimentali is noted for its Renaissance landscapes. The Orto Botanico, part of the University of Urbino, displays diverse plant species within a compact area. Alpaca Della Foglia allows visitors to interact with alpacas, adding a unique outdoor experience. These attractions present a mix of cultural and ecological attractions suitable for outdoor activities such as walking, hiking, and enjoying nature.
– High-quality healthcare system ensures access to essential services.
– Excellent air quality promotes overall health and well-being.
– Low unemployment rate indicates a stable job market.
– Rich cultural and historical heritage enhances lifestyle and leisure.
– Active tourism boosts local economy and community vibrancy.
– Moderate climate allows for pleasant outdoor activities year-round.
– Opportunities for integration into the friendly, welcoming local community.
- Gode internetforbindelser understøtter fjernarbejde og kommunikation.
– Accessible transportation options facilitate travel within and beyond town.
– Quality educational facilities available for lifelong learning and growth.
– Limited nightlife options may leave you craving vibrant entertainment.
– Small-town charm can feel isolating for some newcomers.
– Public transportation may not always be reliable or frequent.
– Shopping choices are limited compared to larger cities.
– Language barrier can complicate daily interactions and services.
– Housing options may be less modern or spacious.
– Seasonal tourism can lead to overcrowding in peak months.
– Local bureaucracy may test your patience and resolve.
– Cultural events may not cater to all interests or tastes.
– Weather can be unpredictable; don’t forget your umbrella!
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