Treviso is a city situated in northeastern Italy, known for its medieval brick buildings and enclosed by ancient stone walls that trace their origin back to its Roman foundations.
Treviso- Nøgleoplysninger
Treviso is a city situated in northeastern Italy, known for its medieval brick buildings and enclosed by ancient stone walls that trace their origin back to its Roman foundations. The heart of Treviso is characterized by waterways, echoing the charisma of nearby Venice but with a quieter, more intimate charm. It’s the kind of town where you can wander through small piazzas, enjoy a coffee at an outdoor café, and soak up the relaxed atmosphere. It’s often less crowded than Venice, making it a great spot to explore at your own pace.
- Livskvalitet
- Kvalitet af infrastruktur
- Kvalitet i økonomien
- Region
- Højde
- Befolkning
- Reel befolkning (5 km-bånd)
- Beskrivelse af klimaet
- Vurdering af luftkvalitet
- Gennemsnitlig downloadhastighed (Mbps) / Gennemsnitlig uploadhastighed (Mbps)
- Gåvenlighed
- Tilgængelighed af boliger
Treviso demografi
Reel befolkning (5 km-bånd)
Forholdet mellem fødsel og død Percentil
Eksempel: Lav percentil (nær 0): Stedet har et relativt lavt forhold mellem fødsler og dødsfald sammenlignet med andre steder i Italien. Mellemste percentil (omkring 0,5): Stedet har et gennemsnitligt forhold mellem fødsler og dødsfald. Høj percentil (nær 1): Stedet har en relativt høj fødselsdødelighed sammenlignet med andre.
Befolkning Datakilde
Turister i alt (2023)
Turistindeks (2023)
Indkomst pr. indbygger (2023)
Indkomstrang i Italien (2023)
303 ud af 7901
Infrastruktur og tilslutningsmuligheder
Nærmeste lufthavn
Treviso Lufthavn
Køretid til lufthavnen
Afstand til nærmeste strandresort
Afstande til større lufthavne
Infrastruktur og faciliteter
Interessepunkter 10 km 30 km
POI_Type | 10 km | 30 km |
Autoværksteder | 278 | 1.537 |
Stænger | 189 | 1.299 |
Caféer | 124 | 594 |
Biografer | 7 | 47 |
Tandlæger | 53 | 220 |
Golfbaner | 4 | 11 |
Fitnesscentre | 98 | 439 |
Vandrestier | 13 | 93 |
Historiske steder | 35 | 241 |
Hospitaler | 13 | 46 |
Biblioteker | 12 | 65 |
Museer | 20 | 121 |
Parker | 55 | 167 |
Apoteker | 46 | 234 |
Restauranter | 210 | 1.219 |
Indkøbscentre | 22 | 137 |
Spaer | 162 | 1.017 |
Supermarkeder | 93 | 511 |
Inden for 10 km
Sundhed og sikkerhed
Nærmeste hospitalsnavn
Ospedale Ca' Foncello-P. Socco
Seismisk zone (risiko for jordskælv)
Moderat risiko for jordskælv
Antal trafikulykker pr. 10.000 indbyggere
Prisindeks for bilforsikring
Bolig- og ejendomsmarked
Tilgængelighed af boliger
Ejendomspriser pr. m²
Forbindelse og digital adgang
Beskrivelse af walkability
Vandrerens paradis
Gennemsnitlig downloadhastighed (Mbps)
Hurtig downloadhastighed (Mbps)
Langsom downloadhastighed (Mbps)
Gennemsnitlig skolerangering (alle kriterier)
Bund 50%
Gennemsnitlig skolerangering (standardiserede tests)
Top 50%
Antallet af skoler
By/bydel | Grundskoler | Børnehaver | Grundskoler | Mellemhøje skoler | Videnskabelige højskoler | Tekniske handelsskoler | Klassiske højskoler | Industrielle tekniske skoler | Højere uddannelsesinstitutioner |
Treviso | 25 | 9 | 5 | 5 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Klima og vejr
Noget høj (61.-70. percentil)
Gennemsnit (41.-50. percentil)
Under gennemsnittet (31.-40. percentil)
Min. årlig temperatur (°C)
Maks. årlig temperatur (°C)
Beskrivelse af klimaet
Treviso has a mild and comfortable climate. It gets a mix of sunny days and occasional rain throughout the year. Winters might bring a little snow now and then, but it doesn’t last long. Summers are warm but not too hot, with cool nights that make it easy to relax. The weather here is generally stable and pleasant, making it a great place for retirees or anyone who enjoys mild temperatures without big changes in weather.
Årligt temperaturdiagram (min)
Klimadata leveret af Open Meteo, baseret på gennemsnit for 2010-2022.
By | Min Temp Jan | Min Temp Feb | Min Temp Mar | Min Temp Apr | Min. temperatur maj | Min Temp Jun | Min Temp Jul | Min Temp Aug | Min Temp Sep | Min. temp. okt. | Min Temp Nov | Min Temp Dec |
Treviso | -0,40 | 1,10 | 3,90 | 8,20 | 11,90 | 16,60 | 18,90 | 18,60 | 14,90 | 10,50 | 6,00 | 0,40 |
Årligt temperaturdiagram (maks.)
Klimadata leveret af Open Meteo, baseret på gennemsnit for 2010-2022.
By | Max Temp Jan | Max Temp Feb | Max Temp Mar | Max Temp Apr | Maks. temperatur maj | Max Temp Jun | Max Temp Jul | Max Temp Aug | Max Temp Sep | Maks. temperatur okt. | Max Temp Nov | Max Temp Dec |
Treviso | 7,1 | 8,90 | 13,60 | 17,80 | 21,00 | 26,00 | 28,30 | 28,50 | 23,50 | 18,30 | 12,70 | 8,00 |
Solrige dage efter måned
Klimadata leveret af Open Meteo, baseret på gennemsnit for 2010-2022.
By | Solrige dage % Jan | Solrige dage % Feb | Solrige dage % Mar | Solrige dage % Apr | Solrige dage % maj | Solrige dage % Jun | Solrige dage % Jul | Solrige dage % Aug | Solrige dage % Sep | Solrige dage % okt | Solrige dage % Nov | Solrige dage % Dec |
Treviso | 45 | 38 | 53 | 52 | 57 | 64 | 68 | 69 | 54 | 39 | 34 | 49 |
Miljø- og luftkvalitet
Vurdering af luftkvalitet
Beskrivelse af luftkvalitet
In Treviso, Italy, the air quality generally leans towards the cleaner side, conducive for those seeking a healthier living environment. The town experiences moderate levels of particulate matter, with both PM10 and PM2.5 present at levels that do not alarm but suggest room for improvement. The good news is that nitrogen and sulphur oxides largely remain in lower concentrations, reflective of a lesser industrial impact on the town’s breathable air. Seasonal fluctuations can influence ozone values, which typically hover at fair standings.
Beskrivelser af byer
At komme dertil
Treviso er tilgængelig via sin egen lufthavn, der ligger kun tre kilometer fra byens centrum, og som tilbyder flyvninger hovedsageligt inden for Europa. Byen betjenes også af tog med direkte ruter til Venedig og videre, og der er effektive vejforbindelser til Italiens motorvej A27.
At komme rundt
Treviso is compact and easy to explore on foot. Walking through the old town is the best way to take in the sights, like the canals and historic buildings. For trips outside the center, you can use the local buses, but many people opt to rent bikes since the area is flat and bike-friendly.
Det lokale køkken
Treviso is a food lover’s paradise. It’s the birthplace of tiramisu, so you absolutely need to try it here. The town is also famous for radicchio rosso, a type of red lettuce used in many local dishes. You’ll find plenty of restaurants serving pasta, risottos, and fresh produce straight from the surrounding countryside.
Grønne områder og parker
- Parco Naturale Regionale del Fiume Sile
- Parco della Storga
- Parco Ali Dorate
- Parco degli Alberi Parlanti
- Parcheggio
- Villa Ninni Carisi
✅ Fordele
Treviso’s compact size promotes a walkable and bike-friendly environment. Its deep historical roots go back to Roman times and offer a culturally rich living experience to expats. The city is well-connected by road and has an airport close to the centre. Numerous parks and green spaces support a high quality of life.
❌ Ulemper
Begrænsede jobmuligheder kan være en udfordring for expats, især dem, der ikke taler italiensk. Treviso har bevaret sin historiske charme, men innovation og forretningsudvikling går langsomt fremad. Selv om byen har gode forbindelser, kan de offentlige transportmuligheder være utilstrækkelige sent om aftenen eller i weekenden. Derudover kan expats finde lejeomkostningerne relativt høje sammenlignet med de lokale lønninger.
Ofte stillede spørgsmål
What transportation options are available in Treviso?
Treviso offers effective connectivity through its own airport, just three kilometres from the city centre, primarily serving European destinations. The city benefits from a train station with direct links to Venice and beyond and is well-connected to the A27 motorway. Within the city, public transportation, along with well-planned roads, facilitates easy navigation, complemented by cycling paths and walkable streets.
Can you tell me about the living environment in Trequisites?
Treviso is known for its historical charm, immersed in a culture dating back to Roman times. The city is compact and supports a pedestrian-friendly lifestyle. Residents benefit from numerous lush parks which are ideal for leisure activities and host various cultural events, reflecting Treviso’s strong community spirit.
How does the job market in Treviso compare to other Italian cities?
The job market in Treviso might present challenges for expats, particularly those not fluent in Italian. The cost of living, especially rental prices, may appear high relative to the local salaries.
How significant is Treviso’s historical heritage?
Treviso stands out with a history (dating back to its Roman foundations) which has evolved under various influences through the centuries. From medieval fortifications to Venetian-style architecture, the city offers a cultural richness that continues to attract those interested in history and art.
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