Reel befolkning (5 km)
Vurdering af luftkvalitet
Tilgængelighed af boliger
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Beskrivelse af klimaet
Southern Italian town with historical charm, local markets, and proximity to Gargano National Park.
Score for livskvalitet
Kvalitet af infrastruktur
Kvalitet i økonomien
Torremaggiore, located in the Puglia region of southern Italy, offers foreign expats and retirees a blend of historical charm and practical living. Known for its friendly locals and rich culinary traditions, the town fosters a sense of community amid its quiet streets. While it lacks a robust expat network, the presence of a few international residents enriches cultural exchange, particularly for those involved in teaching or local businesses. Key attractions include historic architecture, local markets, and proximity to the beautiful Gargano National Park, perfect for outdoor enthusiasts.
However, potential challenges for new residents include limited access to healthcare facilities and a slower-paced lifestyle that may not suit everyone’s preferences. While the nearest beach is a short drive away, the local internet infrastructure may not meet the demands of remote workers. Despite these drawbacks, Torremaggiore remains an appealing option for those seeking a laid-back, authentic Italian experience.
- En rig kulturel og historisk kulisse at udforske og nyde.
- Gunstigt klima med milde vintre og varme somre.
– Low unemployment rate, fostering job opportunities for expats.
– High air quality rating promotes a healthy lifestyle.
– Limited tourist presence allows for a tranquil environment.
– Opportunities for local integration and community involvement.
- Rimelige leveomkostninger sammenlignet med større italienske byer.
– Access to quality healthcare with local medical facilities.
– Basic infrastructure supports daily needs and commuting.
– Internet connectivity available for remote work and communication.
– Limited healthcare quality may affect urgent medical needs.
– Infrastructure lacks modern amenities for convenient living.
– Slow internet speeds can hinder remote work efficiency.
– Fewer entertainment and dining options for social outings.
– Limited educational facilities may restrict families with children.
– Isolation due to minimal tourist activity and local engagement.
– Rural location may complicate access to major cities.
– Language barrier could pose challenges in daily interactions.
– Public transportation options are not robust or frequent.
– Job opportunities may be limited in specialized fields.
Torremaggiore Demographics
Reel befolkning (5 km-bånd)
Fødsler pr. 100 dødsfald
Befolkning Datakilde
Anslået arbejdsløshedsprocent
Ikke turistmæssig
Indkomst pr. indbygger (2023)
Indkomstrang i Italien (2023)
6945 out of 7901
Infrastruktur og tilslutningsmuligheder
Nærmeste lufthavn
Karol Wojtyla (Bari)
Score for tilslutningsmuligheder
Bari Karol Wojtyła Airport ligger cirka 8 kilometer nordvest for Bari i Italien og fungerer som et vigtigt knudepunkt i Puglia-regionen. Den håndterede over 6 millioner passagerer i 2023 og fungerer i høj grad som en fokusby for lavprisselskaber som Ryanair og Volotea. Lufthavnen har forbindelser til mange europæiske byer med hovedruter til destinationer som London, Paris, Milano og Istanbul og nyder godt af sæsonbestemte forbindelser til byer som New York og Wien, hvilket gør den til en praktisk base for både indenlandske og internationale rejser.
2. nærmeste lufthavn
Abruzzo Lufthavn (Pescara)
Score for tilslutningsmuligheder
Abruzzo Airport, der ligger ca. 4 km fra Pescaras centrum og ca. 180 km fra Rom, er en mellemstor international gateway, der betjener Abruzzo og naboregioner som Molise og Marche. Lufthavnen håndterede over 700.000 passagerer i 2022 og forbinder rejsende med 18 destinationer i 11 lande med vigtige ruter, herunder London Stansted, Milano, Bukarest og Malta. Den tilbyder især budgetvenlige parkeringsmuligheder og fungerer som knudepunkt for lavprisselskaber som Ryanair, hvilket letter både indenlandske og internationale rejser.
3. nærmeste lufthavn
Capodichino (Napoli)
Score for tilslutningsmuligheder
Capodichino Airport, officielt kendt som Naples International Airport, ligger i Capodichino, Napoli, Campania, Italien, ca. 5,9 km nord-nordøst for Napolis centrum. Det er den største lufthavn i Syditalien med over 12 millioner passagerer om året, og den fungerer som base for flyselskaber som easyJet, Ryanair, Volotea og Wizz Air. Lufthavnen har forbindelser til store indenlandske destinationer som Milano og Torino samt internationale ruter til byer som Barcelona, London, München, Frankfurt og New York City, hvilket gør den til et vigtigt knudepunkt for rejsende i Middelhavsområdet.
Nærmeste jernbane
Stazione di San Severo
Score for tilslutningsmuligheder
Train service at Stazione di San Severo includes the Adriatic railway line. Direct trains connect to key destinations such as Foggia, Rome, Pescara, and Bari. The main train operator is Trenitalia, which provides Inter-city, express, and local train services. Departure frequency varies typically from hourly to a few trains per day depending on the route. The station services a mix of high-speed and regional trains, catering to both quick and local travel needs.
2. nærmeste skinne
Stazione di Lucera
Score for tilslutningsmuligheder
Train service at Stazione di Lucera is provided primarily by Trenitalia and offers regional connections. The station is located in Puglia, along the railway line from Foggia to Lucera and has been operational since 1887.
– **Rail Lines**: It services the line connecting Foggia to Lucera with several regional branches.
– **Key Destinations**: Direct trains connect Lucera to important destinations such as Foggia, San Severo, Termoli, and Trani, among others. Travel times to major cities include:
– **L’Aquila**: 13 hours 2 minutes
– **Matera**: 20 hours 43 minutes
– **Rome**: 8 hours 39 minutes
– **Train Operators**: The main operator for trains at this station is Trenitalia, with no high-speed services from other companies such as Italo.
– **Frequency of Departures**: Trains operate approximately every 20 minutes, especially for regional connections to nearby towns.
– **Type of Services**: The station primarily handles regional trains, with no high-speed train options available.
3. nærmeste skinne
Stazione di Rignano Garganico
Score for tilslutningsmuligheder
Train service at Stazione di Rignano Garganico provides essential regional connections in the Italian railway network. The station is served predominantly by regional trains operated by Trenitalia, catering to passengers wishing to travel to nearby towns and cities.
### Rail Lines:
– The primary rail line servicing the station is the Foggia to Barletta line.
### Key Destinations:
– Passengers can take direct trains to several key destinations, including Foggia and Barletta.
### Train Operators:
– The main train operator at this station is Trenitalia, which is responsible for regional rail services. High-speed services, such as those offered by Italo, do not stop at this station.
### Frequency of Departures:
– Trains typically operate on an hourly basis, with some services running more frequently during peak times, while a few may be offered during off-peak hours.
### Train Types:
– Stazione di Rignano Garganico mainly offers regional train services, without high-speed options available.
Infrastruktur og faciliteter
Inden for 10 km
Historiske steder
Can. Pontone 30 Mt Dx
37 minutter
Vurdering af vandkvalitet
1 - Fremragende
Mountain Resort
Campitello Matese
Score for sundhedspleje
Nærmeste hospitalsnavn
San Giacomo
Køretid til nærmeste hospital
15 minutter
Hospitaler og klinikker inden for 10 km
Lokal offentlig sundhedsudbyder
Beskrivelse af sundhedsplejens kvalitet
In this area of Puglia, the local healthcare quality may raise concerns for expats and retirees. Local hospital care lags significantly, indicating potential challenges in accessing specialised medical services. Orthopaedic response times fall short, with prompt treatment for fractures less frequent. Minimally invasive breast cancer procedures are notably rare, impacting oncological care options. Conversely, the management of heart attack patients is relatively well-handled, although response times for urgent cardiac cases could improve. The readmission rate following heart failure shows a moderate level of care. Collectively, these factors suggest varying degrees of efficiency and effectiveness in healthcare services.
Seismisk zone (risiko for jordskælv)
Moderat risiko for jordskælv
Antal trafikulykker pr. 10.000 indbyggere
Procentdel af befolkningen i risiko for jordskred
Procentdel af befolkningen i risiko for oversvømmelse
Prisindeks for bilforsikring
Bolig- og ejendomsmarked
Tilgængelighed af boliger
Ejendomspriser pr. m²
Første kvartil
Tredje kvartil
Forbindelse og digital adgang
Beskrivelse af walkability
Meget gangbar
Gennemsnitlig downloadhastighed (Mbps)
Hurtig downloadhastighed (Mbps)
Langsom downloadhastighed (Mbps)
Gennemsnitlig skolerangering (alle kriterier)
Bund 40%
Gennemsnitlig skolerangering (standardiserede tests)
Bund 30%
Antallet af skoler
By/bydel | Grundskoler | Børnehaver | Grundskoler | Mellemhøje skoler | Videnskabelige højskoler | Tekniske handelsskoler | Klassiske højskoler | Industrielle tekniske skoler | Højere uddannelsesinstitutioner |
Torremaggiore | 0 | 0 | N/A | 0 | N/A | 1 | 1 | N/A | 1 |
Klima og vejr
Meget lav (bund 10%)
Meget høj (81.-90. percentil)
Lav (11.-20. percentil)
Min. årlig temperatur (°C)
Maks. årlig temperatur (°C)
Beskrivelse af klimaet
In Torremaggiore, Italy, expats and retirees will find a climate that comfortably blends warm summers and mild winters. The town benefits from ample sun, ensuring bright and enjoyable days for most of the year. Winters are typically gentle, with rare snowfall that briefly dusts the landscape, inviting a picturesque scene without causing major disruptions. Summers peak with considerable warmth, ideal for those who appreciate outdoor activities and Mediterranean vistas. This balance of conditions supports both leisurely and active lifestyles, enriching the experience for residents from diverse climatic backgrounds seeking a tranquil yet engaging environment. Torremaggiore offers a stable climate encouraging year-round exploration and living.
Årligt temperaturdiagram (min)
Klimadata leveret af Open Meteo, baseret på gennemsnit for 2010-2022.
Af | Min Temp Jan | Min Temp Feb | Min Temp Mar | Min Temp Apr | Min. temperatur maj | Min Temp Jun | Min Temp Jul | Min Temp Aug | Min Temp Sep | Min. temp. okt. | Min Temp Nov | Min Temp Dec |
Torremaggiore | 3,20 | 3,90 | 6,10 | 9,20 | 12,60 | 17,50 | 20,20 | 20,20 | 16,70 | 12,70 | 9,30 | 4,30 |
Årligt temperaturdiagram (maks.)
Klimadata leveret af Open Meteo, baseret på gennemsnit for 2010-2022.
Af | Max Temp Jan | Max Temp Feb | Max Temp Mar | Max Temp Apr | Maks. temperatur maj | Max Temp Jun | Max Temp Jul | Max Temp Aug | Max Temp Sep | Maks. temperatur okt. | Max Temp Nov | Max Temp Dec |
Torremaggiore | 11,2 | 11,90 | 14,80 | 19,30 | 22,70 | 28,60 | 31,60 | 31,60 | 26,40 | 21,40 | 16,90 | 12,40 |
Solrige dage efter måned
Klimadata leveret af Open Meteo, baseret på gennemsnit for 2010-2022.
Af | Solrige dage % Jan | Solrige dage % Feb | Solrige dage % Mar | Solrige dage % Apr | Solrige dage % maj | Solrige dage % Jun | Solrige dage % Jul | Solrige dage % Aug | Solrige dage % Sep | Solrige dage % okt | Solrige dage % Nov | Solrige dage % Dec |
Torremaggiore | 49 | 43 | 56 | 60 | 66 | 76 | 80 | 79 | 63 | 49 | 47 | 54 |
Miljø- og luftkvalitet
Vurdering af luftkvalitet
Beskrivelse af luftkvalitet
Torremaggiore, Italy, boasts commendable air quality that expatriates and retirees will find conducive to maintaining healthy living standards. The town benefits from low concentrations of particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide, ensuring that air quality generally supports outdoor activities without significant health risks. Sulphur dioxide levels are consistently minimal, posing little concern to residents. Ozone levels, while slightly elevated, remain within a range that should only marginally impact very sensitive individuals. This environment allows those residing in or visiting Torremaggiore to enjoy its scenic surroundings and vibrant community life without undue worry about air pollution.
Torremaggiore, Italy, boasts commendable air quality that expatriates and retirees will find conducive to maintaining healthy living standards. The town benefits from low concentrations of particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide, ensuring that air quality generally supports outdoor activities without significant health risks. Sulphur dioxide levels are consistently minimal, posing little concern to residents. Ozone levels, while slightly elevated, remain within a range that should only marginally impact very sensitive individuals. This environment allows those residing in or visiting Torremaggiore to enjoy its scenic surroundings and vibrant community life without undue worry about air pollution.
Beskrivelser af byer
At komme dertil
Torremaggiore offers limited connectivity with the nearest airport, Karol Wojtyla in Bari, approximately 90 minutes away, followed closely by Abruzzo Airport in Pescara. The town’s accessibility is supported by nearby train stations, though with moderate connectivity scores, and a relative assessment of its infrastructure remains low.
At komme rundt
Det lokale køkken
The culinary scene in Torremaggiore, nestled in the Puglia region, showcases a rich tapestry of traditional and local dishes reflective of the area’s agricultural heritage. Renowned for its exceptional quality ingredients, the town offers a variety of traditional dishes, including Pane di Altamura (PDO bread), taralli, focaccia, and artisanal cheeses such as caciocavallo and burrata. Pasta, particularly orecchiette served with broccoli rabe, is a staple dish, alongside panzerotti and pettole, which reflect the local preference for simple yet flavorful fare. Dining options in Torremaggiore encompass local trattorias that serve these traditional dishes, alongside burgeoning international influences, adapting to diverse palates without overshadowing local authenticity. Currently, there are no Michelin-starred restaurants in Torremaggiore, indicating a focus on home-style cooking rather than Michelin-rated gastronomic experiences.
Oversigt over indkøb
The local shopping ecosystem includes specialty shops and gift stores, alongside smaller boutiques. Supermarkets cater to everyday needs, while smaller grocers offer regional produce. Farmers’ markets provide fresh, local goods on specific days. The area may also host shopping centres, which typically feature a variety of retail options, from fashion to home goods. Overall, shoppers can expect a mix of traditional local shops and more modern retail formats, making it suitable for various preferences.
Grønne områder og parker
Torremaggiore offers limited but notable outdoor activities suitable for expats and retirees interested in hiking. The area features several challenging hiking trails, including the Tratturo Lucera-Castel di Sangro, spanning 11.9 miles, and the 4.0-mile Colle del Monaco-Forca di Cane. These routes provide opportunities for immersive outdoor experiences. Additionally, the Municipal Pine Forest provides a modest 0.4-mile walking and running trail, making it ideal for more relaxed activities. The trails primarily cater to those seeking challenging treks, with varying lengths and difficulties that may appeal to seasoned hikers.
- En rig kulturel og historisk kulisse at udforske og nyde.
- Gunstigt klima med milde vintre og varme somre.
– Low unemployment rate, fostering job opportunities for expats.
– High air quality rating promotes a healthy lifestyle.
– Limited tourist presence allows for a tranquil environment.
– Opportunities for local integration and community involvement.
- Rimelige leveomkostninger sammenlignet med større italienske byer.
– Access to quality healthcare with local medical facilities.
– Basic infrastructure supports daily needs and commuting.
– Internet connectivity available for remote work and communication.
– Limited healthcare quality may affect urgent medical needs.
– Infrastructure lacks modern amenities for convenient living.
– Slow internet speeds can hinder remote work efficiency.
– Fewer entertainment and dining options for social outings.
– Limited educational facilities may restrict families with children.
– Isolation due to minimal tourist activity and local engagement.
– Rural location may complicate access to major cities.
– Language barrier could pose challenges in daily interactions.
– Public transportation options are not robust or frequent.
– Job opportunities may be limited in specialized fields.
Ofte stillede spørgsmål
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