Reel befolkning (5 km)
Vurdering af luftkvalitet
Tilgængelighed af boliger
Gennemsnitlig downloadhastighed (Mbps) / Gennemsnitlig uploadhastighed (Mbps)
Beskrivelse af klimaet
Cultural hub with rich history, notable museums, architecture, and a walkable environment.
Score for livskvalitet
Kvalitet af infrastruktur
Kvalitet i økonomien
Firenze, known in English as Florence, is a vibrant cultural hub located in the heart of Tuscany. Renowned for its rich history, it boasts exceptional museums, stunning architecture, and a wealth of artistic heritage. Key attractions include the Uffizi Gallery, the Florence Cathedral, and the historic Ponte Vecchio, each offering a glimpse into the city’s Renaissance past. For expats and retirees, Firenze provides a walkable environment, enabling easy access to cafes, shops, and cultural events, with an efficient public transport network complementing its pedestrian-friendly layout.
The local economy thrives on tourism, with industries focusing on art, fashion, and gastronomy. However, potential challenges include the high cost of living and seasonal influxes of tourists that can render some areas crowded at peak times. Despite these considerations, the city’s quality of life, strong community atmosphere, healthcare availability, and proximity to beautiful landscapes make it an attractive destination for many. Overall, Firenze offers a unique blend of historic charm and modern convenience.
– Rich cultural and historical heritage throughout the city.
– Excellent healthcare services available to residents.
– Moderate climate, ideal for year-round outdoor activities.
– Efficient public transportation connecting to surrounding areas.
– Favorable air quality, contributing to a healthy lifestyle.
– Vibrant community with numerous integration opportunities.
– Diverse educational facilities for various age groups.
– Strong local economy with low unemployment rates.
- Pålidelig internetforbindelse til fjernarbejde eller fritid.
– Charming architecture and picturesque landscapes enhance daily life.
– Healthcare score suggests room for improvement in services.
– Public transportation can get crowded during peak tourist seasons.
– Moderate climate may feel too hot in summer months.
– Tourists can disrupt daily life and local experiences.
– Integration opportunities may feel overwhelming for some newcomers.
– Diverse educational facilities can lead to competition for spots.
– Internet connectivity may falter in remote or older areas.
– Cost of living can be high in central areas.
– Charming architecture may require constant maintenance and care.
- Det lokale bureaukrati kan være langsomt og frustrerende at navigere i.
Firenze Demographics
Reel befolkning (5 km-bånd)
Fødsler pr. 100 dødsfald
Befolkning Datakilde
Anslået arbejdsløshedsprocent
Moderat turisme
Indkomst pr. indbygger (2023)
Indkomstrang i Italien (2023)
328 out of 7901
Infrastruktur og tilslutningsmuligheder
Nærmeste lufthavn
Amerigo Vespucci (Firenze)
Score for tilslutningsmuligheder
Amerigo Vespucci Airport, også kendt som Firenze Airport, ligger nær Firenze i Italien og fungerer som en vigtig international gateway i Toscana-regionen. Den håndterer over 3 millioner passagerer årligt og tilbyder forbindelse til en række europæiske destinationer som London, Paris, Amsterdam m.fl. med sæsonbetonede ruter til byer som Lyon og Olbia. Som fokusby for flyselskaber som Vueling og Volotea er lufthavnen godt forbundet med en letbane og busser til det centrale Firenze, hvilket gør den tilgængelig for rejsende, der vil udforske den pulserende by og dens omgivelser.
2. nærmeste lufthavn
Galileo Galilei (Pisa)
Score for tilslutningsmuligheder
Galileo Galilei Airport, der ligger i Pisa, Italien, er den 10. travleste lufthavn i landet og havde over 5 millioner passagerer i 2023. Den fungerer som en fokusby for Ryanair og har forbindelser til hele Europa med kendte destinationer som London, Paris og Amsterdam. Lufthavnen er kendt for sine budgetvenlige muligheder med en enkelt terminal, der tilbyder både indenrigs- og udenrigsflyvninger, og er bekvemt forbundet med Pisa Centrale jernbanestation via Pisa Mover-shuttleservice.
3. nærmeste lufthavn
Guglielmo Marconi (Bologna)
Score for tilslutningsmuligheder
Guglielmo Marconi Airport, der ligger i Bologna, Italien, ca. 6 km fra byens centrum, fungerer som et vigtigt transportknudepunkt i Emilia-Romagna-regionen. Med næsten 10 millioner passagerer i 2023 er den blandt Italiens travleste lufthavne og forbinder rejsende med over 100 destinationer, herunder storbyer som Amsterdam, Frankfurt og Dubai. Vigtige ruter, der varetages af flyselskaber som Ryanair og Wizz Air, omfatter indenrigsflyvninger til Catania og internationale forbindelser til Tirana og Madrid, og den længste direkte rute er til Dubai. Lufthavnens forbindelser forbedres af en monorail til Bolognas hovedbanegård, hvilket gør den let tilgængelig for både indenlandske og internationale rejsende.
Nærmeste jernbane
Stazione di Firenze Statuto
Score for tilslutningsmuligheder
Train service at Stazione di Firenze Statuto includes the following key details:
– **Rail Lines that Stop Here**: The main rail lines at Firenze Statuto are served by regional and intercity trains.
– **Key Destinations Connected by Direct Trains**: Key destinations include Firenze Campo di Marte, Pisa Centrale, Roma Termini, Prato Centrale, and Firenze Rovezzano.
– **Train Operators**: The main train operators servicing this station are Trenitalia and Italo.
– **Frequency of Departures**: Trains typically depart regularly, with some routes having services every 10 to 30 minutes, while intercity options may be less frequent, operating a few times per day.
– **Type of Trains**: The station predominantly handles regional trains and some intercity services; it does not host high-speed train services.
2. nærmeste skinne
Stazione di Firenze Santa Maria Novella
Score for tilslutningsmuligheder
Train service at Stazione di Firenze Santa Maria Novella provides a well-connected and frequent service to various destinations across Italy. The station facilitates several rail lines, notably high-speed services such as Frecciarossa, Frecciabianca, and Frecciargento, as well as InterCity and EuroCity trains. Key destinations accessible by direct trains include Milan, Pisa, Rome, and Venice, among others.
In terms of train operators, the station sees services from Trenitalia, which operates many of the high-speed lines, and Italo, which also runs high-speed services under the NTV brand. The frequency of departures varies, generally offering trains every 30 minutes for major routes during peak times, whilst some routes may only have a few trains per day.
Additionally, the station supports both high-speed and regional trains, making it a mixed-use station accommodating commuters and long-distance travellers alike.
3. nærmeste skinne
Stazione di Firenze Campo di Marte
Score for tilslutningsmuligheder
Train service at Stazione di Firenze Campo di Marte includes both regional and high-speed rail services. Key rail lines that stop here include the lines towards Rome and Bologna. Notably, the Frecciargento high-speed services connect various destinations such as Bolzano, Verona, and Bologna, directly linking them to Florence. Train operators serving this station are primarily Trenitalia, operating the Frecciargento services and regional trains. Departures from the station are frequent, generally every 30 minutes for regional services, while high-speed services may vary but typically run multiple times daily. The station features a mix of high-speed and regional trains.
Infrastruktur og faciliteter
Inden for 10 km
Historiske steder
Renai - Lotto 1
25 minutter
Vurdering af vandkvalitet
1 - Fremragende
Mountain Resort
Campigna - Montefalco
Score for sundhedspleje
Nærmeste hospitalsnavn
Santa Maria Nuova-Pronto Socco
Køretid til nærmeste hospital
9 minutter
Hospitaler og klinikker inden for 10 km
Lokal offentlig sundhedsudbyder
Beskrivelse af sundhedsplejens kvalitet
I dette område af Toscana klarer de lokale sundhedstjenester sig prisværdigt i forhold til nationale standarder på tværs af forskellige indikatorer. Den generelle sundhedskvalitet er bemærkelsesværdig høj, mens den lokale hospitalspleje er mere moderat. Genindlæggelser efter hjerteanfald håndteres effektivt, hvilket står i kontrast til langsommere responstider for behandlinger af knoglebrud. Brystkræftkirurgi anvender i stigende grad minimalt invasive teknikker, og de postoperative ophold er generelt korte. Responsen på akut myokardieinfarkt kan forbedres, og genindlæggelser efter hjertesvigt er tæt på gennemsnittet. Disse faktorer giver tilsammen et blandet, men lovende sundhedslandskab, som er relevant for dem, der overvejer at flytte til regionen.
Seismisk zone (risiko for jordskælv)
Moderat til lav jordskælvsrisiko
Antal trafikulykker pr. 10.000 indbyggere
Procentdel af befolkningen i risiko for jordskred
Procentdel af befolkningen i risiko for oversvømmelse
Prisindeks for bilforsikring
Bolig- og ejendomsmarked
Tilgængelighed af boliger
Ejendomspriser pr. m²
Første kvartil
Tredje kvartil
Forbindelse og digital adgang
Beskrivelse af walkability
Vandrerens paradis
Gennemsnitlig downloadhastighed (Mbps)
Hurtig downloadhastighed (Mbps)
Langsom downloadhastighed (Mbps)
Gennemsnitlig skolerangering (alle kriterier)
Top 50%
Gennemsnitlig skolerangering (standardiserede tests)
Top 50%
Antallet af skoler
By/bydel | Grundskoler | Børnehaver | Grundskoler | Mellemhøje skoler | Videnskabelige højskoler | Tekniske handelsskoler | Klassiske højskoler | Industrielle tekniske skoler | Højere uddannelsesinstitutioner |
Firenze | 57 | 53 | 24 | 26 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 8 |
Klima og vejr
Noget lav (21.-30. percentil)
Over gennemsnittet (51.-60. percentil)
Under gennemsnittet (31.-40. percentil)
Min. årlig temperatur (°C)
Maks. årlig temperatur (°C)
Beskrivelse af klimaet
Firenze offers a temperate climate that balances warm summers and mild winters effectively, appealing to retirees and expats alike. Its well-distributed rainfall ensures lush landscapes without overwhelming residents while sunlight is plentiful, maximizing outdoor enjoyment year-round. Winter brings light snowfall, adding a brief, picturesque dusting that rarely disrupts daily life. The mildness of the coldest months eases transition for newcomers from colder regions. In contrast, summers provide warmth without excess, fostering ideal conditions for exploring Firenze's rich historical and cultural offerings or unwinding in its charming outdoor settings. This climate mix supports a comfortable adaptation for expats and retirees seeking a new home in Magic Towns.
Årligt temperaturdiagram (min)
Klimadata leveret af Open Meteo, baseret på gennemsnit for 2010-2022.
By | Min Temp Jan | Min Temp Feb | Min Temp Mar | Min Temp Apr | Min. temperatur maj | Min Temp Jun | Min Temp Jul | Min Temp Aug | Min Temp Sep | Min. temp. okt. | Min Temp Nov | Min Temp Dec |
Firenze | 1,80 | 2,20 | 4,90 | 8,00 | 11,40 | 16,10 | 18,90 | 18,70 | 15,30 | 11,40 | 7,40 | 2,90 |
Årligt temperaturdiagram (maks.)
Klimadata leveret af Open Meteo, baseret på gennemsnit for 2010-2022.
By | Max Temp Jan | Max Temp Feb | Max Temp Mar | Max Temp Apr | Maks. temperatur maj | Max Temp Jun | Max Temp Jul | Max Temp Aug | Max Temp Sep | Maks. temperatur okt. | Max Temp Nov | Max Temp Dec |
Firenze | 9,5 | 10,30 | 14,60 | 18,60 | 21,40 | 27,10 | 30,50 | 30,30 | 25,40 | 20,20 | 14,50 | 10,80 |
Solrige dage efter måned
Klimadata leveret af Open Meteo, baseret på gennemsnit for 2010-2022.
By | Solrige dage % Jan | Solrige dage % Feb | Solrige dage % Mar | Solrige dage % Apr | Solrige dage % maj | Solrige dage % Jun | Solrige dage % Jul | Solrige dage % Aug | Solrige dage % Sep | Solrige dage % okt | Solrige dage % Nov | Solrige dage % Dec |
Firenze | 44 | 37 | 49 | 51 | 56 | 68 | 74 | 74 | 59 | 44 | 32 | 43 |
Miljø- og luftkvalitet
Vurdering af luftkvalitet
Beskrivelse af luftkvalitet
In Firenze, the air quality predominantly ranks from good to fair across various pollutants. The atmosphere is mostly clean, with particularly low concentrations of nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide, suggesting minimal influence from vehicular or industrial activities. Particulate matter such as PM10 is also well within acceptable levels, contributing to generally clear skies. However, residents and visitors should be aware of moderate levels of PM2.5 and ozone, which indicate occasional deviations from optimal air conditions. Overall, Firenze offers a breathable environment conducive to both short visits and extended stays.
In Firenze, the air quality predominantly ranks from good to fair across various pollutants. The atmosphere is mostly clean, with particularly low concentrations of nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide, suggesting minimal influence from vehicular or industrial activities. Particulate matter such as PM10 is also well within acceptable levels, contributing to generally clear skies. However, residents and visitors should be aware of moderate levels of PM2.5 and ozone, which indicate occasional deviations from optimal air conditions. Overall, Firenze offers a breathable environment conducive to both short visits and extended stays.
Beskrivelser af byer
At komme dertil
Firenze benefits from efficient connectivity, situated within close proximity to Amerigo Vespucci Airport and Galileo Galilei Airport. The town is accessible via major road connections, including the A1 motorway. Additionally, two train stations enhance access with commendable connectivity scores, facilitating regional travel.
At komme rundt
Det lokale køkken
Firenze, renowned for its rich Renaissance history, offers a culinary scene strongly rooted in tradition. The local cuisine, typified by dishes such as T-bone steaks alla Fiorentina, Tuscan ham, and finocchiona, showcases the area’s agricultural bounty. Hearty dishes like ribollita and pappa al pomodoro exemplify the rustic simplicity of Tuscan cooking, which often emphasizes quality ingredients including olive oil, fresh vegetables, and local meats. The dining scene ranges from traditional trattorias to modern international establishments, reflecting a blend of local and global influences. Firenze also boasts several Michelin-starred restaurants, including the three-star Enoteca Pinchiorri, alongside others like Santa Elisabetta and Gucci Osteria da Massimo Bottura. These venues highlight the high standards of gastronomy prevalent in the city, reaffirming its status as a culinary destination.
Oversigt over indkøb
The city offers a diverse shopping landscape that includes supermarkets, local markets, boutiques, and luxury outlets. Supermarkets provide essential goods, while local markets, such as the Central Market, showcase regional produce and artisanal products. Boutique shopping is prevalent, focusing on leather goods, fashion, and unique artisanal items. For luxury seekers, well-known shopping avenues feature high-end brands. Additionally, there are designer outlets for discounted fashion items. This blend accommodates various shopping preferences and lifestyles.
Grønne områder og parker
Florence offers a variety of outdoor activities for expats and retirees seeking leisure and exploration. Notable trails include the moderate 5.8-mile walk from Pian dei Giullari to Villa Corbinelli and the 6.7-mile route from Central Florence to Boboli Park. Additionally, public parks such as Giardino dell’Orticultura provide accessible green spaces. Outdoor pursuits extend to forest walks in Casentino Forests National Park and cycling along the Arno River, offering a blend of natural and urban appeal.
– Rich cultural and historical heritage throughout the city.
– Excellent healthcare services available to residents.
– Moderate climate, ideal for year-round outdoor activities.
– Efficient public transportation connecting to surrounding areas.
– Favorable air quality, contributing to a healthy lifestyle.
– Vibrant community with numerous integration opportunities.
– Diverse educational facilities for various age groups.
– Strong local economy with low unemployment rates.
- Pålidelig internetforbindelse til fjernarbejde eller fritid.
– Charming architecture and picturesque landscapes enhance daily life.
– Healthcare score suggests room for improvement in services.
– Public transportation can get crowded during peak tourist seasons.
– Moderate climate may feel too hot in summer months.
– Tourists can disrupt daily life and local experiences.
– Integration opportunities may feel overwhelming for some newcomers.
– Diverse educational facilities can lead to competition for spots.
– Internet connectivity may falter in remote or older areas.
– Cost of living can be high in central areas.
– Charming architecture may require constant maintenance and care.
- Det lokale bureaukrati kan være langsomt og frustrerende at navigere i.
Ofte stillede spørgsmål
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