Reel befolkning (5 km)
Vurdering af luftkvalitet
Tilgængelighed af boliger
Gennemsnitlig downloadhastighed (Mbps) / Gennemsnitlig uploadhastighed (Mbps)
Beskrivelse af klimaet
Historic town with Romanesque architecture, affordable living, community spirit, limited transport, and some crime.
Score for livskvalitet
Kvalitet af infrastruktur
Kvalitet i økonomien
Campagna, situated in the Salerno province of Campania, offers a blend of rich history and modest living, making it a noteworthy option for expats and retirees. The town is renowned for its Romanesque Cathedral and the Abbey of Sant’Angelo in Formis, showcasing medieval influences that lend a historic charm to the area. Its temperate climate features short winters and hot summers, ideal for outdoor enthusiasts. Despite its allure, Campagna faces challenges, including limited public transport and a noted crime rate, factors that may concern potential residents. However, the cost of living remains affordable, and there is a strong sense of community. As an expat-friendly locale, Campagna provides excellent internet connectivity, with adequate healthcare despite some limitations. While the nearest beach is a drive away, the town’s cultural depth, historic sites, and reasonably priced living conditions make it an appealing choice for those looking to settle in Italy.
- Mildt klima med varme somre og milde vintre.
- En rig kulturel og historisk kulisse at udforske og nyde.
- Muligheder for integration i lokalsamfundet og lokalt engagement.
– Quality healthcare system supports resident needs effectively.
- Mindre turistet og med en mere autentisk italiensk oplevelse.
- Rimelige leveomkostninger sammenlignet med større byer.
– Air quality is generally favorable for outdoor activities.
– Local transportation connects residents to nearby areas easily.
– Access to beautiful natural landscapes and countryside.
– Community-oriented lifestyle fosters personal connections and friendships.
– Limited job opportunities may challenge some residents financially.
– Infrastructure development lacks compared to larger urban areas.
– Internet connectivity can be inconsistent and slower than expected.
– Local amenities may be sparse or require significant travel.
– Cultural activities might be less frequent in quieter seasons.
– Healthcare system, although supportive, has room for improvement.
– Public transport options may not always be reliable.
- Den lokale dialekt kan være en udfordring for ikke-italiensktalende.
– Language barrier can hinder full community integration initially.
– Weather can be excessively humid during summer months.
Campagna Demographics
Reel befolkning (5 km-bånd)
Fødsler pr. 100 dødsfald
Befolkning Datakilde
Anslået arbejdsløshedsprocent
Ikke turistmæssig
Indkomst pr. indbygger (2023)
Indkomstrang i Italien (2023)
6696 out of 7901
Infrastruktur og tilslutningsmuligheder
Nærmeste lufthavn
Salerno Costa d'Amalfi (Salerno)
Score for tilslutningsmuligheder
Salerno Costa d'Amalfi Airport ligger i Pontecagnano Faiano i Italien, 20 km fra Salerno og 44 km fra Amalfikysten, tættere på end Napoli. Lufthavnen med en nuværende landingsbane på 2.000 meter er gradvist ved at genoptage driften og sigter mod fuld drift i 2026-2027. Den tilbyder sæsonbestemte flyvninger til destinationer som London, Milano og feriesteder i Nordafrika og Grækenland, der betjenes af flyselskaber som easyJet og British Airways, hvilket indikerer et fokus på fritidsrejser.
2. nærmeste lufthavn
Capodichino (Napoli)
Score for tilslutningsmuligheder
Capodichino Airport, officielt kendt som Naples International Airport, ligger i Capodichino, Napoli, Campania, Italien, ca. 5,9 km nord-nordøst for Napolis centrum. Det er den største lufthavn i Syditalien med over 12 millioner passagerer om året, og den fungerer som base for flyselskaber som easyJet, Ryanair, Volotea og Wizz Air. Lufthavnen har forbindelser til store indenlandske destinationer som Milano og Torino samt internationale ruter til byer som Barcelona, London, München, Frankfurt og New York City, hvilket gør den til et vigtigt knudepunkt for rejsende i Middelhavsområdet.
3. nærmeste lufthavn
Ciampino (Rom)
Score for tilslutningsmuligheder
Rom Ciampino Lufthavn (CIA) ligger 12 km sydøst for det centrale Rom, tæt på den store ringvej. Den fungerer primært som base for lavprisselskaber som Ryanair og Wizz Air og tilbyder forbindelser til vigtige europæiske destinationer som London-Stansted, Budapest og Bukarest. Som sekundær lufthavn i forhold til Fiumicino betjener den næsten 6 millioner passagerer årligt og er et praktisk alternativ med fokus på lavprisselskaber.
Nærmeste jernbane
Stazione di Campagna-Serre-Persano
Score for tilslutningsmuligheder
Train service at Stazione di Campagna-Serre-Persano includes various regional train services operated primarily by Trenitalia and Italo. The rail lines that stop here connect Campagna-Serre-Persano to several key destinations:
– **Battipaglia**: Approximately 15 minutes away, with around 6 trains daily.
– **Salerno**: About 32 minutes travel time, also serviced by 6 trains per day.
– **Eboli**: A short trip of around 5 minutes with 6 daily departures.
– **Capua**: This journey takes around 2 hours and 41 minutes, with a frequency of 6 trains daily.
– **Napoli Centrale**: Approximately 1 hour and 11 minutes, with 6 trains each day.
High-speed trains are not available at this station; the services are primarily regional, making it a vital connection for local commutes and travel into larger cities.
2. nærmeste skinne
Stazione di Eboli
Score for tilslutningsmuligheder
Train service at Stazione di Eboli includes the following features:
– **Rail lines:** The station is located on the Battipaglia–Metaponto railway.
– **Key destinations:** Direct trains connect Eboli to key destinations including Rome, Naples, Salerno, Taranto, Potenza, and Metaponto.
– **Train operators:** The train services are primarily operated by Trenitalia.
– **Frequency of departures:** Specific frequencies are not detailed in the available resources, but regional trains typically operate frequently throughout the day.
– **High-speed or regional:** The station has a mix of regional service trains, with some intercity services available as well.
3. nærmeste skinne
Stazione di Contursi Terme
Score for tilslutningsmuligheder
Train service at Stazione di Contursi Terme provides regional connectivity primarily across southern Italy. The station sees the following key details regarding its services:
– **Rail Lines:** The station is served by Trenitalia’s regional train lines.
– **Key Destinations:** Direct trains from Contursi Terme connect to major destinations including Salerno, Naples, Eboli, and Rome, among others. The travel times to significant locations are approximately:
– Salerno: 42 minutes
– Napoli Centrale: 1 hour 21 minutes
– Rome: 2 hours 25 minutes
– Foligno: 4 hours 44 minutes
– **Train Operators:** The primary operator at this station is Trenitalia.
– **Frequency of Departures:** The frequency of train services varies by destination, with approximately:
– 16 trains daily to Salerno
– 17 trains daily to Napoli Centrale
– 25 trains daily to Rome
– 20 trains daily to Naples
– 14 trains daily to Eboli
– 13 trains daily to Foligno
– **Train Type:** The services are largely regional, with no high-speed trains running through this station, focusing instead on connecting smaller towns and cities within the region.
Infrastruktur og faciliteter
Inden for 10 km
Historiske steder
Sud Foce Asa
36 minutter
Vurdering af vandkvalitet
1 - Fremragende
Mountain Resort
Arioso - Sasso di Castalda
Score for sundhedspleje
Nærmeste hospitalsnavn
Maria Santissima Addolorata
Køretid til nærmeste hospital
22 minutter
Hospitaler og klinikker inden for 10 km
Lokal offentlig sundhedsudbyder
Beskrivelse af sundhedsplejens kvalitet
In this area of Campania, healthcare services present challenges for prospective expats and retirees. The overall quality across essential health indicators is relatively low on a national scale. Local hospital care is particularly concerning. Key services such as post-heart attack readmissions and timely treatment of bone fractures show moderate effectiveness but highlight disparities in care delivery. Breast cancer surgery with minimal invasiveness is less commonly practised, while urgent heart treatments like STEMI are notably delayed. Nonetheless, heart failure readmissions show a measure of reliability, offering some assurance in this specific care aspect.
Seismisk zone (risiko for jordskælv)
Moderat risiko for jordskælv
Antal trafikulykker pr. 10.000 indbyggere
Procentdel af befolkningen i risiko for jordskred
Procentdel af befolkningen i risiko for oversvømmelse
Prisindeks for bilforsikring
Bolig- og ejendomsmarked
Tilgængelighed af boliger
Ejendomspriser pr. m²
Første kvartil
Tredje kvartil
Forbindelse og digital adgang
Beskrivelse af walkability
I nogen grad gangbar
Gennemsnitlig downloadhastighed (Mbps)
Hurtig downloadhastighed (Mbps)
Langsom downloadhastighed (Mbps)
Gennemsnitlig skolerangering (alle kriterier)
Bund 50%
Gennemsnitlig skolerangering (standardiserede tests)
Bund 30%
Antallet af skoler
By/bydel | Grundskoler | Børnehaver | Grundskoler | Mellemhøje skoler | Videnskabelige højskoler | Tekniske handelsskoler | Klassiske højskoler | Industrielle tekniske skoler | Højere uddannelsesinstitutioner |
Campagna | 8 | 8 | 2 | 2 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | 1 |
Klima og vejr
Meget høj (81.-90. percentil)
Gennemsnit (41.-50. percentil)
Noget lav (21.-30. percentil)
Min. årlig temperatur (°C)
Maks. årlig temperatur (°C)
Beskrivelse af klimaet
Campagna, Italy, offers a temperate climate which is suited for those looking to settle amid varying yet mild weather conditions. Winters bring a light dusting of snow, making the landscape picturesque without becoming a logistical nightmare typically associated with heavier snowfall regions. Summers are warm but not overbearing, ideal for outdoor leisure activities and exploring the rich cultural tapestry of the town. The comfort is further enhanced by plentiful sunshine that graces the city across the year, ensuring that despite moderate rainfall, the weather rarely feels gloomy. This balanced climate makes Campagna an attractive locale for retirees and expats seeking a tranquil yet vibrant living environment.
Årligt temperaturdiagram (min)
Klimadata leveret af Open Meteo, baseret på gennemsnit for 2010-2022.
Af | Min Temp Jan | Min Temp Feb | Min Temp Mar | Min Temp Apr | Min. temperatur maj | Min Temp Jun | Min Temp Jul | Min Temp Aug | Min Temp Sep | Min. temp. okt. | Min Temp Nov | Min Temp Dec |
Campagna | 2,70 | 3,30 | 5,10 | 8,50 | 11,10 | 15,60 | 18,20 | 19,00 | 15,50 | 12,10 | 8,30 | 3,60 |
Årligt temperaturdiagram (maks.)
Klimadata leveret af Open Meteo, baseret på gennemsnit for 2010-2022.
Af | Max Temp Jan | Max Temp Feb | Max Temp Mar | Max Temp Apr | Maks. temperatur maj | Max Temp Jun | Max Temp Jul | Max Temp Aug | Max Temp Sep | Maks. temperatur okt. | Max Temp Nov | Max Temp Dec |
Campagna | 9,7 | 10,70 | 13,40 | 17,30 | 20,00 | 25,50 | 28,30 | 29,20 | 24,00 | 19,90 | 15,30 | 11,20 |
Solrige dage efter måned
Klimadata leveret af Open Meteo, baseret på gennemsnit for 2010-2022.
Af | Solrige dage % Jan | Solrige dage % Feb | Solrige dage % Mar | Solrige dage % Apr | Solrige dage % maj | Solrige dage % Jun | Solrige dage % Jul | Solrige dage % Aug | Solrige dage % Sep | Solrige dage % okt | Solrige dage % Nov | Solrige dage % Dec |
Campagna | 43 | 31 | 43 | 49 | 52 | 66 | 72 | 76 | 53 | 48 | 37 | 52 |
Miljø- og luftkvalitet
Vurdering af luftkvalitet
Beskrivelse af luftkvalitet
Campagna, Italy enjoys commendably clean air, marked by good levels of particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide that contribute to a fresh living environment, particularly beneficial for those with respiratory sensitivities. Despite its rural charm, the town’s air quality matches urban standards. While most pollutants are well within acceptable thresholds for health, ozone levels sometimes elevate slightly but remain in a moderate range. This ensures that retirees and expats considering Campagna can look forward to beneficial air quality, without the heavy pollutants often found in more industrial locales. Overall, it provides a clear and invigorating atmosphere conducive to leisurely outdoor activities.
Campagna, Italy enjoys commendably clean air, marked by good levels of particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide that contribute to a fresh living environment, particularly beneficial for those with respiratory sensitivities. Despite its rural charm, the town’s air quality matches urban standards. While most pollutants are well within acceptable thresholds for health, ozone levels sometimes elevate slightly but remain in a moderate range. This ensures that retirees and expats considering Campagna can look forward to beneficial air quality, without the heavy pollutants often found in more industrial locales. Overall, it provides a clear and invigorating atmosphere conducive to leisurely outdoor activities.
Beskrivelser af byer
At komme dertil
Campagna is accessible via the A30 and SS18 roads, facilitating road travel to nearby cities. The Salerno Costa d’Amalfi Airport is the closest air travel option, while two train stations provide regional connectivity. However, the town’s infrastructure is rated as moderate, indicating room for improvement in transport options.
At komme rundt
Det lokale køkken
The culinary scene in Campagna, situated in the Campania region of Italy, is characterized by its rich array of traditional dishes and a blend of local and international dining options. Traditional Campanian cuisine prominently features items such as Mozzarella di Bufala Campana, Linguine allo scoglio, Parmigiana alla napoletana, Sugo alla Genovese, and Provolone del Monaco. These dishes exemplify the region’s emphasis on fresh, local ingredients and robust flavors. In terms of dining variety, Campagna is home to several restaurants that offer a range of experiences from casual eateries to fine dining, reflecting both local tradition and international influences. The town boasts notable Michelin-starred establishments, which exemplify the area’s commitment to culinary excellence, although specific restaurant names are not included as per the constraints of this report.
Oversigt over indkøb
The area offers a range of shopping options, including supermarkets, specialty shops, and boutiques. Noteworthy shopping centres feature a mix of retail stores, dining options, and entertainment venues. Notable malls in the vicinity include a large regional shopping centre noted for its variety of shops, an outlet mall catering to discount seekers, and other dedicated shopping venues. Markets also provide access to local produce and specialties, enhancing the shopping experience for residents and visitors alike.
Grønne områder og parker
Campagna, located in the Campania region, offers access to notable parks and trails ideal for nature enthusiasts. The Cilento, Vallo di Diano, and Alburni National Park is a prominent area featuring 57 hiking trails. Regional parks such as Parco Regionale dei Monti Lattari and Riserva Naturale Valle delle Ferriere provide diverse trails catering to different activities like hiking and biking. Nearby, Taburno-Camposauro and Diecimare nature parks also offer recreational options laid out in the Campanian landscape, attracting visitors seeking outdoor pursuits.
- Mildt klima med varme somre og milde vintre.
- En rig kulturel og historisk kulisse at udforske og nyde.
- Muligheder for integration i lokalsamfundet og lokalt engagement.
– Quality healthcare system supports resident needs effectively.
- Mindre turistet og med en mere autentisk italiensk oplevelse.
- Rimelige leveomkostninger sammenlignet med større byer.
– Air quality is generally favorable for outdoor activities.
– Local transportation connects residents to nearby areas easily.
– Access to beautiful natural landscapes and countryside.
– Community-oriented lifestyle fosters personal connections and friendships.
– Limited job opportunities may challenge some residents financially.
– Infrastructure development lacks compared to larger urban areas.
– Internet connectivity can be inconsistent and slower than expected.
– Local amenities may be sparse or require significant travel.
– Cultural activities might be less frequent in quieter seasons.
– Healthcare system, although supportive, has room for improvement.
– Public transport options may not always be reliable.
- Den lokale dialekt kan være en udfordring for ikke-italiensktalende.
– Language barrier can hinder full community integration initially.
– Weather can be excessively humid during summer months.
Ofte stillede spørgsmål
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